Borsa de treball

Technical specialist in flow cytometry for the High Technology Unit (UAT) (Vall d'Hebron Research Institute, VHIR)
VHIR is currently offering a position for a technical specialist in flow cytometry for the High Technology Unit (UAT). The UAT belongs to the VHIR pre-clinical core-facilities, providing highly specialized equipment along with scientific and techn...
Fa 1 mes
Post-doctoral Researcher - Infection and Immunocompromised Pediatric Patient Research Group (Vall d'hebron Research Institute, VHIR)
VHIR offers a vacant position for a post-doctoral researcher with immunological background for the Infection and Immunocompromised Pediatric Patient Research Group and related to the UNDINE H2021 grant. Education and qualifications: Required: ...
Fa 3 mesos
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